Dear Friend of the Polish-American Community (Polonia!),
The Polish American Congress, Western New York Division, invites YOU to join our organization, which serves as a representative voice for, and promoter of, Polish and Polish-American causes.
We need YOU, as someone who appreciates Polish history, culture and traditions to strengthen our organization with your membership. Together we can continue to instill generations with understanding of Polish and Polish-American contributions to civilization well into the 21st century.
Founded in Buffalo, New York in 1944, the Polish American Congress championed Poland’s cause during World War II and throughout the Cold War. We continue, both locally and nationally, to address contemporary issues pertinent to Poland and Polonia in America today.
The Polish American Congress promotes inter-cultural and inter-faith dialog with ethnic and religious groups, defends Polonia from defamation and discrimination.
The membership of the Polish American Congress consists of both individuals and other organizations that serve Polonia. These include cultural, religious, fraternal, veteran and student groups.
Your ideas and vision are welcomed to help build an even stronger, better-informed Polonia! Please consider joining today.
Thank You,
The Membership Committee
Membership Fees
Membership fees are $50 for individuals and $25 for students.
To become a member of the Polish American Congress, simply fill out the form below and submit your membership payment. A printable form is also available here.